Monday, February 24, 2020

R Shiny Application for Forecasting Share Prices using ARIMA

The Application downloads share price data from Yahoo Finance and uses the data to plot a Candle stick chart with Relative Strength Index (RSI) Indicator.

Interpretation of RSI:

a) RSI falls into Oversold Category if it falls below 30%
b) RSI falls into Overbought Category if it raises above 70%
c) The RSI calculates average price gains and losses over a given period of time; the default time period is 14 periods with values bounded from 0 to 100.

Just Copy & Paste the code in R Shiny App in R Studio as App.R or separately ui in ui.R and server in server.R

Please be careful in regards to indentation.

R Shiny Application Link:

R Shiny App Code:

      helpText("Select Ticker Yahoo Finance"),
                     "Date Range",

               to=input$dates[2],auto.assign = F)
    fit=auto.arima(ts(dataclose,frequency = 7),D=1)
